Ceffort specialize on collaboration
CEFFORT AB is a small and flexible company that through collaboration within CELS Network (CEffort Life Science Network) can undertake much larger companies missions.
You can rely on CEFFORT AB
- to assemble, coordinate or manage teams in which various expertise is brought together to provide tailored solutions in support of your R&D, manufacturing and business processes
- to find an efficient way to collaborate with you, any time you look for a solution within Nordic life sciences
- to develop competencies that contribute to your internal processes, when you expand in new areas, undergo structural changes or introduce an innovation in your company
- when relevant, to represent you in various types of activities across the Nordic Life Science market.
We are interested in creating and maintaining long-term business relations. We aim at becoming your Top-of-Mind company to be contacted every time you search for a solution in Nordic life sciences.
CEFFORT AB collaborates with well-established companies of various sizes, consultants, academics, contract organizations in R&D or manufacturing, industry associations and other organizations of importance to life science industry. This is to secure that the optimal solution for our customer is identified and that financial and legal expertise is involved to close sustainable deals.